Slick tips
for hot oil
When you think of cooking oil, your girlfriend and naked Twister
probably come to mind before stir-fry and sautes. But unless you
own rubber sheets or steel-belted condoms, you better keep the
cooking tips
For healthier baking, substitute Canola oil in recipes that call
for margarine or butter. Canola oil contains no cholesterol and
is Lower in saturated ...
The clever cook™ -
kitchen and cooking tips - Brief Article
These helpful tips from Better Homes and Gardens[R] magazine
readers can make the dog days of summer a little less tough.
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Get the most
from your fruits and veggies: Cooking and Nutrition Tips
BUYING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES is a healthy move. The way you
store, cook, and serve them can make them more or less healthy.
Follow these suggestions ...
Put away that salt
shaker: Cooking and Nutrition Tips
SALT-SENSITIVE PEOPLE KNOW THAT cutting back on your sodium
intake can help lower or prevent high blood pressure. But even
if you're not in that group, ...
5 can't-miss dried herbs: Cooking and Nutrition Tips
IF YOU HAVE BOTTLES OF HERBS sitting forgotten in your cupboard,
it's time to get reacquainted with them. Remember that dried
herbs don't last indefinitely; ...
best whole-grain breads: Cooking and Nutrition
THE NEXT TIME YOU PICK UP a loaf of bread, make it whole grain.
Not only do whole grains lower your risk of heart disease and
cancer, they also provide ...
fast sandwiches - Vegan Cooking Tips
YOU DESERVE A HOT MEAL! Something you can really sink your teeth
into without breaking your back doing it? A hot sandwich is just
the ticket. First, ...
tofu! - Vegan Cooking Tips
A block of tofu--who cares? Unless you're like me and can eat it
straight out of the container, tofu has a rather neutral
personality. But it does not ...
the old bean - Vegan Cooking Tips
Doesn't it always seem as if you have either leftover cooked
beans in the refrigerator or extra cans of beans staring out at
you from the pantry? Cooked ...
a great side dish: Cooking and Nutrition Tips
THANKS TO THE COUNTLESS boxed mixes on the market, you can make
complex side dishes like pilaf and risotto in a snap. In fact,
it might take you longer ... |